Admissions » FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions


Are students offered a hot lunch?

Popular family dining restaurants deliver quality lunches to the school daily. The lunch service features an online ordering and credit card payment system which adds to the convenience of the program.

Does COKSM have a bus?

Buses are available for an additional fee to families that live on Daniel Island, Park West, Dunes West, Hamlin Plantation, Rivertowne and Brickyard.

Is there after school care?

The After-School Program (ASP) is available to all students from 4K through eighth grade. The ASP provides a safe and fun environment for the children to enjoy a snack, do homework, and take part in indoor and outside activities.  


Do I need to purchase books and supplies?

Books and supplies are included in the tuition. Supplies and books are provided to the student on the first day of school.  The only exceptions to this are books for high school level courses.

What is the religion curriculum?

Religion is a core course which is scheduled daily for all students. Students study the foundation, history, beliefs and practices of Catholic Christianity. First through eighth graders attend Mass, which is celebrated on Wednesday mornings. Other opportunities for spiritual growth include the sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent and Lent, the Stations of the Cross, May Procession, and prayer at the opening and closing of the school day.

Students are also encouraged to support community agencies dedicated to assisting others in need, such as Holy Childhood Association, East Cooper Community Outreach and the Ronald McDonald House. They also visit nursing homes, write to the home-bound, and adopt families at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Can I tour the school?

Yes! We would love to provide your family with a tour of our school. Please click HERE to schedule a tour. If you would like to schedule a day for your child(ren) to shadow a COKSM student for the day, please contact Brittney Geier, Director of Admissions at (843) 884-4721 or by email at [email protected]