Volunteer Requirements
All volunteers are required to complete VIRTUS registration through the Diocese of Charleston. The new process is completely online, so please follow the instructions below to get started.
- Before completing Protecting God's Children online training, please register with VIRTUS Online by clicking HERE. You can also go to www.virtus.org and click on 'First-Time Registrant' and select Charleston from the dropdown list.
- Click through the required pages, making sure to enter all of your information correctly.
- Please read the Child Protection Policy, the Code of Conduct, and the Social Media Policy. Complete each section by providing your electronic signature and date.
- You will also be prompted to complete the Background Screening through FASTRAX.
- Once that is completed, please click on 'You have 1 online module assigned' and then click on the green circle to begin the Online Training.
- If you have any questions, please email Kathleen Cornely at [email protected].