School Advisory Council

Christ Our King - Stella Maris School is a parish school within the Diocese of Charleston under the authority and direction of the Bishop of Charleston.  The Bishop has authorized the Pastors of the school's feeder parishes to lead the school.  The Pastors have entrusted the day to day running of the school to the school's Administration which, since 2012 has worked under the President / Principal administration model.

 The school has established a School Advisory Council to assist the Administration in promoting the mission of the school and to help develop and recommend policies and plans requested by the Administration and / or Pastors.  This is done through various committees of the Council working cooperatively with Administration to move the school forward including Facilities, Advancement, Finance, Mission Effectiveness and Long Range Planning.

 The members of the Council are chosen by the pastors of the feeder parishes.  The Council is not responsible for Administration nor the details of Administration, as it is advisory in nature.  The Council as a whole with Administration and the Pastors meets 5 times during the school year (September, November, January, March and May).