AdvancED Accreditation
Christ Our King-Stella Maris School and the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina were most recently accredited through AdvancED in 2018.
The AdvancED system provides a comprehensive solution to guide and empower institutions through a unique and customized improvement journey. This system allows for schools to work within a framework of processes that provide the opportunity for continuous improvement. The path for continuous improvement is determined through feedback gathered from summative assessments such as school observations, data driven results and stakeholder feedback. The results of this feedback provide the prescription for school improvement.
AdvancED provides a platform which brings together academic and non-academic data as well as decision making tools to help school leaders refine instruction and improve learning environments. The platform’s tools also help with the allocation of resources and professional development.
Stakeholders involved in the evaluation process include parents, administration, teachers, students and board members. Data is gathered through school wide surveys, standardized testing results, school observations and one on one feedback from school constituents.
True growth comes from constant evaluation of strength and weaknesses as the demographics and the needs of the institution evolve. Our mission is to provide an outstanding Catholic education to our students so that they will grow into healthy, well rounded adults who are prepared to be the future leaders of our community and our society. Having an outside accreditation organization review our processes fits well with our commitment to our school’s mission in all we do.